Store and share your music privately. You're in control.

Sign in to save your tracks, leave comments, and more...

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or drag and drop

.mp3, .wav, .ogg or .m4a up to 250MB

Privately store & share your music with confidence.

Auto-upload your tracks without even thinking about it.

The desktop app allows you to instantly upload your tracks whenever you bounce to your export folder. We keep all versions so you can see how your track improves over time. Just set it and forget it.

Download the desktop app now

Home for all of your private & work-in-progress tracks.

Send secret links, see playback counts - see all of your private tracks in one place.

Private, safe & secure.

Send your music privately, with a secret link that only you and recipients have. You choose which tracks listeners can download, or keep them private.

Playlists: share your demo tapes privately.

Send a collection of tracks in the order it was meant to be heard in.

Basic features

Just sign in to Fasttrak to get all these awesome features, completely free.

Take your music on the go

Never forget a song at home again.

Auto-backup your tracks

Automatically backup your songs when you export from your DAW.

Safe & Secure

Rest easy knowing your music is kept safe in the cloud.

Comment on tracks

Now your homies can give you feedback, privately.

You control who can download

Everything is private by default, you control if people can download your tracks.

AI-powered lyrics assistant

Writer's block? A thing of the past. Copilot your lyrics with AI, all right next to the track.

Private notes

Write lyrics, notes, or anything else you want to keep private.

Upload massive songs

250MB, mp3 + Wav - never transcoded or downsampled.

Up to 1GB of storage

Store files up to 1GB, for free.


Send a collection of songs in the order you want them to be played.

Profile pages

Share a page with your followers that has all of your WIP tracks.


See all of your tracks in one place.

Unlimited version history

Version your tracks and hear how your track changes over time.

Need more features? Go Pro.

Everything you get with basic Fasttrak, plus:

Larger uploads

Upload files up to 250MB.

Higher-quality focused

Unlock the ability to upload all major audio file types (M4A, WAV, MP3, OGG, AAC, FLAC)

100GBs of storage

No more limits on how many tracks you can upload. Store up to 100GBs of music, and upgrade further as needed.

Tracks never expire

Keep your music safe as long as your account is active.

Artist Spotlight

Be eligable to be showcased across our socials.

See all-time play counts

See all of your play count stats including 1-day, 7-day, 30-day, and all-time counts.

Reduced transaction commission

Keep more of your earnings from sales through Fasttrak.

Pro badge

Show off your Pro status on your profile.

Display your socials

List your socials on your profile and connect with people and grow your fanbase on social.

Priority support

Get help faster with our priority support.

Increased affiliate earnings

Earn more from the people you refer to Fasttrak.

New features, first

Get access to new features before anyone else.

It just keeps getting better

We're always adding new features to help artists improve the music making process.

Be the first to try out new features.

Sign up to hear about when we launch new PRO features.



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Download the desktop app 👇